This article on where to store fruits and vegetables is pretty basic. I’m recovering from hip replacement surgery, so I needed to keep this month’s blog post simple. Fortunately, an email from the California Farmers’ Markets Association popped up in my inbox with these tips. Especially since spring has arrived (yummmm….asparagus), I thought I would share them with you. I hope you find them useful. Nap time! 😉
A Chart to Remind You How to Store Fruits & Vegetables
I follow most of this advice, with a couple of exceptions. I like my bananas a little under-ripe so I keep them in the refrigerator. Even if the skin darkens, the fruit stays fresh. I’m surprised they recommend keeping zucchini, cucumbers and green beans at room temperature. Have you had success with that? Let me know in the comments.
Graphic By: EatingWell
Some Helpful Tips for Keeping Produce Fresh
- Keep apples, avocados, tomatoes, stone fruits, and pears separate from other fruits and veggies. They naturally emit ethylene gas which speeds up produce ripening. This is handy if you want something to ripen faster though.
- Wash produce right before use. If you decide to wash produce ahead of time, make sure to dry it thoroughly before storing.
- Store lettuce in the crisper drawer in an airtight container or plastic bag. Wash before serving, using a salad spinner to remove excess water. If washing ahead of time make sure it is completely dry. (Tip from Jackie: keep a dry paper towel in the bag or container to absorb residual moisture.)
- Store asparagus, cilantro, parsley, and dill in a glass of water in the fridge. Lightly cover the bunches with a bag and change the water every couple days. Store basil in the same way but on the countertop. (Tip from Jackie: cut the stems before putting in water. Basil may seem to wilt immediately, but don’t give up. It may perk up the next day.)
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And do not forget that any fruits placed near apples will ripen faster.
I didn’t know that! Thank you!