
What Not To Put Down the Drain

Clogged drain, what not to put down the drain to prevent

Knowing what not to put down the drain is crucial. Even with a garbage disposal, certain foods can cause that dreaded soupy backup in seconds. Other substances, like medications, can contaminate the local watershed. Bleach could damage your pipes. And even “biodegradable” substances don’t dissolve quickly and may cause a clog. In the unfortunate case of a  back up, try these tips to unclog any drain  before calling the plumber.

I Haven’t Had To Call My Plumber Since He Gave Me These Tips

Plumbers would rather get paid for the big jobs than come out to your house to unclog a drain.
That’s probably why my plumber gave me these tips the last time my kitchen sink backed up:
1) Don’t put anything down the drain you couldn’t shred with a box grater.
2) Pour a tea kettle’s worth of boiling water down the drain every three months.

Here’s What Not To Put Down Any Drain

Print this list and tape it to the inside of the cabinet door near your sink where your partner, house keeper, kids and house guests can see it. The dinner guest who insists on helping with the dishes may mean well, but they could be the cause of a big plumbing bill instead.

  • bleach
  • bones
  • cat litter
  • celery, onions & other fibrous foods
  • cleaning products
  • coffee grounds
  • cotton balls
  • eggshells
  • feminine hygiene products
  • flour
  • fruit pits
  • grease, fat and oil
  • honey
  • medications
  • mashed potatoes
  • oatmeal
  • paint
  • paper products except toilet paper
  • pasta
  • potato peels
  • produce stickers
  • pumpkin
  • rice
  • rubber, including condoms

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