Because I curate HabiLinks, the web guide associated with this blog, I spend a lot of time searching the web. When I created the guide, almost ten years ago, I didn’t know the tricks that help get better results. With eighteen lifestyle categories and an ever-expanding number of topics to cover, I needed help! Searching for “web search tips” delivered over a billion results! Among them were long articles I didn’t have the time or patience to read, poorly written articles and tips that were overly simple or complicated. I just wanted a simple, useful list I could keep at my desk. Here’s what I found:
Printable web search tips to keep near your desk.
Here’s the link to the web search tips. Maybe you know all of these tips. If not, print them to keep next to your desk. If you do a lot of web searches, the tips will eventually become second nature. In the meantime, they’ll not only save hours of precious time, they’ll deliver better results. I didn’t know you could use your browser’s search bar to do simple math, did you? Instead of dragging out the calculator, enter basic functions such as “4+7” or “30% of 55” to get the answer.
Find more links you can really use at HabiLinks web guide.
The internet is full of great resources, but page after page of search results can be too much of a good thing. We search for useful information in eighteen lifestyle categories, so you don’t have to. When we find the link with the most useful content it becomes a HabiLink, one of the chosen few. Unlike other web guides, we don’t accept payment for listings. We simply think they’re the best at what they do. You’ll find the link to the printable web search tips list in the Computers and Technology category at HabiLinks. When you’re looking for web search tips, you can depend on HabiLinks for links you can really use.