Day to day home maintenance tasks are easy to remember. But ones you need to do only occasionally? Not so much. And sometimes the consequences of a task slipping your mind can be unfortunate. Like letting your water heater get so old it gives up and floods the basement. (I’m speaking from experience here.) Take a quick look at these reminders and print the list to help you remember.
Home Maintenance Reminders & Checklist
You can copy this list to a word processor document to edit and print. I like to add and sort my list by the month due. Keep the list where you’ll see it regularly. For notes you can add warranty info, date due, date done, service providers….any info that might come in handy..
Task Notes
Carpets cleaned
Clothes dryer vent cleaned
Clothes washer filter cleaned
Clothes washer cleaned
Dishwasher filter cleaned
Emergency supplies updated
Fireplace safety checked & cleaned
Gutters & downspouts cleared
HVAC filters changed
HVAC system serviced
Irrigation system serviced
Irrigation system turned on
Irrigation system turned off
Lighting timers adjusted
Mattresses rotated
Oven cleaned
Patio furniture cleaned
Pest inspection
Pool closed down
Pool cleaned & opened
Refrigerator coils vacuumed
Refrigerator water filters changed
Roof inspected
Roof, flashing checked around vents, skylights, etc.
Septic tank cleaned
Smoke alarm batteries changed
Snow blower, shovel & salt ready for winter
Spring cleaning
Storm windows installed
Storm windows removed
Stove hood/vent cleaned
Stove hood filters changed
Sump pump, check operation
Vegetation cleared for fire safety
Water heater checked for leaks
Water softener checked
Window screens installed
Window screens removed
Windows washed
Winterize your home
Consider selling the house and renting 🤣
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Habitudes, our sister site, features personal and household record keepers to keep things your family should know in one place. Current record keepers include What My Family Needs to Know and Emergency Information. Unlike other record keepers, ours are word processor based, so they are easy to customize, print, share and keep up-to-date. They are attachment friendly, too. There’s no sign up required, no tricky tech to learn, no software to get out of date and no chancy third-party storage of your records. You control who sees your sensitive data. Download your record keepers today at Habitudes.